BANFF Mountain Film Festival: premiere in Milan on January 25, 2023

BANFF Mountain Film Festival: premiere in Milan on January 25, 2023

BANFF Mountain Film Festival, the well-known film festival for outdoor enthusiasts, is back.

Milan will host the premiere of the BANFF Mountain Film Festival on January 25, 2023, more precisely at The Space Cinema Odeon. This will be the first date of the tour that will cover 36 Italian cities until April 4, 2023.

Each date will feature 9 short and medium-length films telling stories from around the world of shared adventures, milestones and exploration of the Earth’s most unspoiled corners. All this also seasoned with a strong presence of outdoor sports such as extreme skiing, climbing and kayaking.

A new feature of the 2023 edition of BANFF is its project in partnership with zero CO2, a Benefit society that is committed to planting trees around the world to help stop the climate crisis, as well as supporting new farming communities in this way.

“We expect to reach 100 trees adopted by the end of the 2023 tour, a result that will make all the BANFF public protagonist of this green action against the planet. Thanks to the partnership with zeroCO2, the sprouts will grow in the nursery and then will be donated to a family of farmers… and we could follow the growth of the BANFF forest online thanks to the Chloe monitoring system. We are excited about this initiative that we will tell step by step on our social channels” says Alessandra Raggio, CEO Itaca the Outdoor Community.

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