Jakob Schubert’s training tips

Jakob Schubert’s training tips

The world champion reveals his three favourite exercises for the Mammoth Diamond Finger Hangboard

First of all: a good warm-up is essential before every exercise. Also, during training, you should always listen to your body. If you notice that the effort due to the exercise becomes too intense, you need to relax or stop to avoid injury.

1) ABC training – for strength endurance. 
This exercise is suitable for ambitious people like me, because it allows you to “compete” with yourself, overcoming your limits and achieving better performance. ABC training works as follows.

Each letter is composed of the same three exercises, with smooth transitions between movements: 1.

Stand up – return to the position with your arms outstretched – hold the position at 120 degrees for seven seconds (= A1) 2. Stand up again with your arms outstretched – stand upwards – stand up again with your arms outstretched – hold the position at 90 degrees for seven seconds (= A2) 3.

Put your arms outstretched again – pull up – put your arms outstretched again – pull up and hold the position for 7 seconds – put your arms outstretched again (= A3)

Now the letter A of the training is completed and step B is about to begin.

The exercise is called ABC training, so after step C the exercise would be completed. But the alphabet goes all the way to the letter Z! So there is (almost) no limit to the training.

Extra tip: If you also want to strengthen your fingers at the same time, you can perform the exercise on more difficult grips or grips, depending on your personal preference.

2) Pull-up pyramid – for endurance training.

The pyramid of 10 is a great classic for endurance training and works as follows:

1 pull up – pause -2 pull up – pause – 3 pull up – pause – 4 pull up …

… The principle is probably easy to understand. It goes on and on until you reach 10 times “pull up”.

But the exercise doesn’t end there. There will be another short break and then you will continue with…

… 9 pull yourself up – pause – 8 pull yourself up – pause – 7 pull yourself up … up to 1

Thanks to digital tools, you can train together even in #stayhomenow times and the exercise is a lot of fun to do with friends, who can stimulate you to push yourself beyond your limits.

3) Classic exercise to strengthen your fingers – for maximum strength and endurance. 
Strength also needs to be trained for maximum performance.

This is achieved thanks to the 4x4x3 principle: 4 seconds hanging on the bar with one arm – 10 seconds pause. The whole thing is repeated four times.

Then there is a two minute pause before the series is repeated.

Altogether, the exercise involves three series, and can then be performed with other types of sockets.
But you can also take a break for a moment.

Extra tip: This is an exercise to maximise your strength, so choose a grip with which you can push yourself to your limit. Experienced athletes can also use extra weights to make the exercise even more challenging.

Have fun with your training!