Bovetalblock VI by AZA climb

Bovetalblock VI by AZA climb

Bovetalblock, event by Zamberlan, returns on September 17, 2023.

Among the boulders of the alpine pasture of Malga Bovental, in Vallarsa in the province of Trento, bouldering enthusiasts will gather on September 17, 2023, to spend a day sharing not only their love of climbing but also of this spectacular place, a hidden gem in the heart of the Dolomites. The Bovetalblock is divided into two zones, with over 100 boulders!

The program is very diverse, and includes:

8:30 a.m. Registration and delivery Bovetal Pack with start of climbing on the boulders

9:00 a.m. Power Yoga

10:00 Opening blocks with judge

13:30 Power Yoga

15:00 Closing blocks and termination of the race

15:30 Awards ceremony and raffle

Participants will be able to rent crash pads while supplies last, and also spend the night at the tent and RV area at Pian delle Fugazze Pass. Rain? No problem, the event would be postponed to September 24 with the same schedule.

Well, see you on the rocks!

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