Helly Hansen celebrates ski safety heroes

Helly Hansen celebrates ski safety heroes

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International Ski Patrol Day

On International Ski Patrol Day, Norwegian brand Helly Hansen, a partner of mountain professionals, invites skiers to show gratitude to rescue and slope control teams with kind gestures. On February 10, Helly Hansen donated 5 percent of sales online and or selected retail stores to international ski patroller organizations. Chief Marketing Officer, Joumana Løvstad, expresses gratitude for the dedication to safety of these professionals and stresses the importance of celebrating and supporting patrol and security organizations.

helly hansen x ski patrol day

Helly Hansen’s ski patroller uniform

Helly Hansen, a partner brand of mountain rescuers, develops uniforms specifically to meet the needs of mountain rescue professionals. Uniforms should convey security and reliability, helping to quickly identify operators. Helly Hansen considers the specifics of resorts and local climatic conditions in developing uniforms. Safety is a priority, so high-visibility elements are included to improve visibility in low-light conditions. The jackets are designed to provide optimal performance and include several features such as multiple pockets and weather protection. The pants are also functional and durable, with elements such as knee reinforcements and adjustable pockets for knee pads. Sustainability is an important aspect: Helly Hansen uses recycled materials and more eco-friendly production techniques, reducing environmental impact without compromising performance.

helly hansen x ski patrol day

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