In the headquarters of Green Media Lab the Air Factory

In the headquarters of Green Media Lab the Air Factory

What if the cleanest air in Milan was in an indoor space? Few people know, but studies have shown that air pollution in enclosed spaces even exceeds that of open spaces.

To overcome this problem, Stefano Mancuso and PNAT – a multidisciplinary company of researchers, biologists, designers, engineers and architects – have designed the Air Factory, a model that exponentially increases the natural ability of plants to remove pollutants in living, commercial and work spaces. An innovative solution, of which there are very few examples in the world, and whose first realization in Milan is located in the headquarters of Green Media Lab Srl SB, a company that supports companies in the design and implementation of communication and consulting strategies.

Stefano Mancuso and Giovanni Storti present the Fabbrica dell’Aria live at l’Assedio, channel Nove

The installation, revolutionary to say the least, will be presented (as a preview) during the programme L’Assedio di Daria Bignardi (The Siege of Daria Bignardi) at 9.35 p.m. on Wednesday 21 October on channel Nove by the creator Stefano Mancuso. The world-famous botanist, director of the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology, will tell the public about the project and the actual realization of this very large Air Factory.

The famous scientist will be accompanied by his friend Giovanni Storti, in connection with the Air Factory within Green Media Lab Srl SB. Giovanni strongly believes in the mission and vision of the company, of which he has been a partner since 2020, and shares with Mancuso his interest and passion for the world of plants and the positive effect they have on people and the environment, so much so that he ironically calls himself a “responsible farmer”.

From this unique network of friendships and a real commonality of intent was born the project that led to the realization of the installation inside the new offices of the company in Via Tertulliano.


98% cleaner air

A few anticipations about the Air Factory: the installation uses and improves the plants’ ability to absorb and degrade air pollutants, operating a real botanical filtration of the air. This type of filtration has its own peculiarities (the pollutants are separated from biological activities and incorporated into the biomass of the plants) and extraordinary results: just think that it is possible to demonstrate a reduction of air pollutants of 98%.