Running Up Of Air: new Patagonia doc chronicling trail running

Running Up Of Air

Running Up Of Air: new Patagonia doc chronicling trail running

Running Up Of Air

Running Up Of Air: new Patagonia doc chronicling trail running

Running Up Of Air
launches a short documentary chronicling the creation of
Running Up for Air
, a worldwide trail running event whose purpose is to raise awareness about the importance of clean air and which took shape from an idea of veteran trail runner Jared Campbell.

First organized in 2012 in Salt Lake City, Running Up For Air not only encourages runners to come together and fully experience running, but also to help raise funds and awareness for the various environmental activist groups that care about the concept of clean air. Whether it’s a hill run, on a ski slope, in the mountains or on a staircase, it all counts.

“Fifteen years ago I was one of the few people running during the winter season on the peaks. By repeatedly passing in and out of air pollution, I was able to actually observe this phenomenon over and over again as I completed my runs,” says Jared Campbell. “As a runner, you not only see it, you feel it. So I decided it was necessary to do something tangible toward this issue.”

On June 1, 2024, the event will return to various destinations in Europe, from mountains to trails and parks, allowing runners to experience different types of elevation gain, alone or in groups-all in support of local organizations fighting air pollution.

“Trying to place a simple tangible value on air is impossible since it feeds the very life force of human beings,” says Luke Nelson, trail running ambassador for Patagonia. “Why should we care about the air? The answer is: because we care about people.”

to watch the entire documentary and register for the event
Running Up For Air