A new webinar not to be missed with Ortovox and Garmin!

A new webinar not to be missed with Ortovox and Garmin!

Ortovox and Garmin continue with the Safety First project by promoting 4 new free online appointments dedicated to prevention and safety in snowy mountain sports.

Ortovox and Garmin continue with the Safety First project by promoting 4 new free online appointments dedicated to prevention and safety in snowy mountain sports. During the online webinars, Alpine Guides, snow experts, experts from reference companies and specialists in the field will deepen the main themes to face winter sports with maximum awareness and risk prevention.


February 23, 2021 – 8:30 pm: tools and knowledge for prevention on the snow

What will be covered in this webinar?

– Webinar presentation by the moderator (Mauro Girardi | Mmove – Into Nature).
– Fundamental concepts of prevention on snowy terrain (Gianluca Tognoni | AINEVA nivologist).
– Backpack preparation, self-rescue equipment, first aid kit (Giovanni Pagnoncelli | Ortovox).
– Satellite communication: digital security tools, presentation of Inreach device. (Luca Sannazzari | Garmin)
question – answer live


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