Discover Hybrid Cycling Technology

Discover Hybrid Cycling Technology

The technology that supports cyclists during their adventures in the saddle is precise and reliable in every situation!

Combining the energy of an electric motor with human power to produce an intelligent, powerful riding experience with the most natural feel possible: it is with this goal in mind that Giant, the world’s leading cycling technology brand, has designed Hybrid Cycling Technology, a system of integrated technologies for E-Bikes that includes SyncDrive motors, EnergyPak batteries, and RideControl and RideDash control units.

Since its founding, Giant has been committed to creating quality bikes that meet the needs of all cyclists – professional and amateur – while being powerful and fun to ride. Through decades of hard work and constant improvements, Giant bicycles have established themselves as the ideal allies for all those who want to feel free when riding, regardless of their goal, whether it’s to compete in a race or to enjoy a leisurely ride in the great outdoors. In particular, the increasingly advanced technological developments and the evolution of electronic components used in the design of E-Bikes have allowed the company to get even closer to the needs of consumers, offering pedal-assisted models that simplify the riding experience, represent a respectful choice in terms of environmental sustainability, and above all, keep the fun of cycling intact.


The key component of Giant’s electric bikes is Hybrid Cycling Technology, the smart system on which all major E-Bike functions are based. Leveraging advanced algorithms to provide constant and powerful support, this technology transforms the muscular energy of pedaling into electrical energy in a smooth and natural way. In particular, Hybrid Cycling Technology encompasses several cutting-edge elements that come together to form an intelligent and powerful vehicle, starting with the SyncDrive motor (available in various versions, depending on the specific model). Its main feature is that, unlike cadence-based systems, it doesn’t require you to adjust your riding style to match the motor’s input, but the opposite happens: power delivery is automatically coordinated to human movement. The result is a responsive, quiet, high-performance motor that allows cyclists to pedal naturally and smoothly without worrying about anything else. In parallel with the motor, Smart Assist Technology uses a series of sensors to assess riding conditions and the type of terrain on which you are pedaling in order to determine the best amount of power to release, which can be up to 360% of support. The result is an extremely comfortable and smooth riding experience. To make an automotive comparison, Smart Assist Technology is the automatic transmission on Giant’s E-Bikes: fun is guaranteed.