Duerocche and SCARPA: measuring the impact of sporting events

Duerocche e SCARPA

Duerocche and SCARPA: measuring the impact of sporting events

Duerocche e SCARPA

Duerocche and SCARPA: a pilot project to measure the environmental and social impact of sports events

Duerocche and SCARPA – This year, the Duerocche trail running competition, to be held on April 25 in the Marca Trevigiana, has a strong focus on sustainability. It will be the first race of its kind to be evaluated with the“Regenerative Event Framework,” a model developed by NATIVA to measure the social and environmental impact of events. SCARPA, a leading outdoor company, will use this framework to create a sustainable model for future trail running competitions, thereby setting new standards for organizers.

The event will serve as a laboratory for a pilot project, making SCARPA the first brand to integrate a regenerative approach into sports event management. The competition will be examined through various parameters including circularity, natural capital, climate resilience, education, engagement and well-being in order to identify virtuous practices that can be extended to other events.

SCARPA, recognized as a Benefit Society for its commitment to innovation and environmental and social respect, with this project positions itself as a guide for a new vision in the world of sports, emphasizing the importance of a positive and sustainable impact.

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