A week of orienteering between Puglia and Basilicata

A week of orienteering between Puglia and Basilicata

The 2022 Mediterranean Open Championship was held in Alberobello and Monopoli

500 athletes from 15 countries during the weekend 19-20 March to competed for the title of Mediterranean champion in occasion of the 17th edition of the Mediterranean Open Championship 2022.

An event made possible thanks to the synergy between the Italian Federation of Sport Orientation, PWT Italy, Sport Orienteering School, Circolo Velico Lucano, the Puglia Region and Pugliapromozione, together with the local administrations and associations: the Municipalities of Alberobello and Monopoli, leader for the challenges of the weekend, will be accompanied by Francavilla in Sinni, Tursi, Montescaglioso, Policoro, Rotondella and Castellaneta, who will host the MOC training Camps during the week.

A busy schedule of itinerant training was held from 13 to 18 March. On March 19th there was the opportunity talk about the link between sport and tourism: orienteering from this point of view represents a great resource. Finally, on the weekend of 19-20 March, the races were held in which, among all, the Norwegians’ performances stood out.

You can find more info here.

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