Docufilm “Fragile Beauty” supported by Garmont

Docufilm Fragile Bellezza

Docufilm “Fragile Beauty” supported by Garmont

Docufilm Fragile Bellezza

Docufilm “Fragile Beauty”: from Trieste to Nice crossing the Alps

Through a fascinating route cutting through the majestic Alps from Trieste to Nice, the journey undertaken in the docufilm “Fragile Beauty” is revealed. A mountain reporter, Gian Luca Gasca, chose the bicycle as a means to immerse himself in an extraordinary experience, sustainably capturing the transformation taking place in Alpine landscapes and environments.

In this fascinating visual narrative, Gasca not only shows the power of nature in extraordinary places, but also highlights the climate crisis that threatens to erode their grandeur. Every image, every landscape is imbued with a vulnerable beauty, where nature still breathes heavily despite the challenges it encounters.

Gian Luca Gasca’s journey takes place not only among Vaia-stricken forests, rapidly retreating glaciers, and struggling lakes and rivers. It explores a hidden dimension of the Alps, a fragility hidden behind the majesty, where natural beauty demands our concrete engagement. The Alps are not just a picturesque backdrop, but a living ecosystem that demands our respect and protection.

The docufilm “Fragile Beauty” involves not only the reporter but also authoritative voices such as Claudio Smiraglia, a glaciologist, and Stefano Fenoglio, an expert in river ecology. Each of them contributes a complete picture of what is happening, offering not only evocative images but also scientific context and viable solutions.

In this cinematic journey, they highlight how small everyday choices can have a significant impact on this fragile heritage. The message is clear: each of us can help preserve this vulnerable beauty, starting with small everyday actions.

You can watch the docufilm here.

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